If you’re ready to ditch shallow Bible study resources that seem uber repetitive or make man the center of the content, you’re in the right place.
If you’ve tried to start your Bible reading journey but feel bogged down by daunting theological terms that you don’t understand (yet) and feel discouraged, like this might not be for you, you’re also in the right place.
If you feel like time always escapes you and you have no idea how you can add authentic and deep Bible study to your weekly routines of errands, busy work schedules, cooking and cleaning, I’m so glad you’re here. You’re also in the right place.
Enter in Warmly Welcomed, where we take the Bible seriously and study it with a humble heart, where small and faithful steps amount to ah-ha moments in the long run.
xx - Maggie
In 2023, now as a wife and traveling WAG, God made it WAY clear to me that my mission was to create a community centered on Bible study and the glory of God even though my time as a church staff member is over for now. This led to the formation of "Warmly Welcomed", a little corner of the internet that feels like your favorite coffee shop where you can learn more about our historic Christian faith and deepen your relationship with Jesus through Bible study.
At "Warmly Welcomed", I am here to provide you with the resources and support you need to grow in your understanding of the Bible and love for God.
Whether you're new to the faith or a seasoned believer, you are always welcome here.
I truly believe that by studying the Bible and learning more about God's glory, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we will become the women He always intended us to be.
I'm not here to teach you anything new but to walk alongside you as a fellow student myself and share the timeless truths and tips about Bible study from the saints that have gone on before us.
Thank you sister for being here. You can sit with us.
To God be the glory for every step and every breath I have ever taken.
At that time, I was also the communications director at my dear local church and a youth group leader for our student group! These were some of the best memories of my life so far.
With the combination of my love for Bible study and theology growing and the desire to serve other women in the local church, an opportunity from my pastor arose for me to teach a ladies' Bible study at my church! Me? A ladies' Bible study teacher? Are you KIDDING? Was I being punked? It was the biggest blessing. I couldn’t fathom that a wretch like me would be studying the Bible and sharing it with other ladies.
For a whole year before I got married to Ben and moved cross country, the women and I walked through James verse by verse, did another teaching series on the Ten Commandments, and even (not shockingly!) walked through a little summer series on how to study the Bible from “Women of the Word.” I was surrounded by the most encouraging team of people who were holding me up to learn how to do such an honorable (and even scary!) task.
Yay! If you're looking for a humble community to help you grow in your understanding of the Bible and deepen your relationship with Jesus, then you've come to the right place. My name is Maggie and I'm passionate about sharing the goodness of God and the joy of Bible study with other women.
It all started with a little homemade lifestyle and faith blog, called "Scouting Grace". You’re a real one if you were here for those days! Although the blog lost momentum, the Lord continued to call me to share online in some capacity. I had just been long avoiding it.
Something that was born out of the Scouting Grace era was a quaint little book study that met at an adorable coffee shop in Dunedin, Florida. In the chilly January mornings, we met outside to discuss Jen Wilkin’s “Women of the Word.” Not only did this completely blow my mind but it started my deeper Bible study journey and showed me the delight of women’s ministry.
You are embarking on the adventure of a lifetime, girlie pop!
We don’t want to just “get smart” or “feel deep.” We want to be daily changed by the power of the Holy Spirit who will sanctify us in the Truth because the Word is truth (John 17:17). We want to be obedient and grow in Christlikeness.
We care about others and want them to know the life of abundance that is found in clinging to Christ as our only Hope. We believe only the Lord offers us eternal life.
We aren't lone-wolf Christians. We believe in the importance of the church and prioritize being a part of the body in our community. We believe the church is where we practice the "one another" commands found in Scripture. As fun as online ministry and resources are, we believe and commit to the importance of the local church.
We are passionate about the Word and we hunger to know God deeply. We believe the Bible is powerful and the perfect Word of God.
We are amazed at the fact God would send His only Son to die for us so that we would have life! We know we didn't bring anything to God except the sin that made our salvation necessary.
He died on the cross for our sins and was buried for three days. On the third day, He rose from the dead, proving that what is said about Him is true (Matthew 28:6). To be saved from God's wrath, we need to repent of our sins and turn to Jesus by faith and in faith and thankfully even that faith is a gift of God (See Ephesians 1 and 2). This means relying on him alone by faith to stand in our place and win the righteous verdict from God on our behalf. The righteousness of Jesus is credited to us and we are reconciled to God. We prayerfully share this Good News with all people in hopes they too will repent and turn to God by faith in the work of Christ.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is Good News from God about how we can be saved from judgment and enjoy the God of glory forever. It's a message that answers important questions about who made us, what our problem is, and how we can be saved. God created everything (Genesis 1) and has the right to tell us how to live. He is holy (Isaiah 6:3) and righteous and cannot ignore sin. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, fellowship with Him was broken, and sin entered the world (Genesis 3). Because of that, all people have sinned and fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). The wages of sin is death, both physical and spiritual (Romans 6:23). However, Jesus Christ came to earth in human form, lived the life we needed to live to be made right with God (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Please keep in mind that while I have respect for both of these ministries, I cannot endorse every church found in these directories or every resource they put out. Please let this simply be a starting point. Do your own research and pray that God will lead you in wisdom.
I would strongly encourage every single girlie who finds her way onto Warmly Welcomed to get connected to a local church in her community.
Please use either of the following church directories if you’d like a hand in finding a solid local church near you!
Come as You Are But Leave Changed by The Word
If you’re ready to say bye to the mystery of Bible study, you’re in the right place. With a focus on creating humble, accessible, and Christ-exalting resources, I'm ready to be your Bible study cheerleader and help you navigate your walk with the Lord with warmth, joy, and a sincere commitment to the truth of God's Word.
Explore Warmly Welcomed’s Bible Study resources today. There’s a seat for you here!